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 valise pour chevy transport

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2 participants
forumeur niveau 3
forumeur niveau 3

Nombre de messages : 205
Age : 62
Localisation : yvelines
Véhicule (modèle cyl année) : chrysler voyager serie 4 bioethanol v6 3.3
Spécialisation auto : 2 mains gauche
Date d'inscription : 14/11/2008

valise pour chevy transport Empty
MessageSujet: valise pour chevy transport   valise pour chevy transport EmptySam 30 Avr - 19:46

je vais cette semaine chercher a Oleron 1 transport 3.4 gpl de 2000 qui a comme probleme de reconfiguration suite perte des cles par le proprio, seule une concession de J CHARLES a Paris possede la valise pour les paramete electro quelqu un a t il deja rencontre ce bleme vais je me faire crucifier par le cout de la manip?
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Chryslerien groupe 2
Chryslerien groupe 2

Nombre de messages : 444
Age : 59
Localisation : Montpellier
Véhicule (modèle cyl année) : '08 Dodge Grand Caravan V6 3.8 E85 62TE Swivel'n Go
Date d'inscription : 23/03/2010

valise pour chevy transport Empty
MessageSujet: Re: valise pour chevy transport   valise pour chevy transport EmptyLun 2 Mai - 13:47

kitchen404 a écrit:
je vais cette semaine chercher a Oleron 1 transport 3.4 gpl de 2000 qui a comme probleme de reconfiguration suite perte des cles par le proprio, seule une concession de J CHARLES a Paris possede la valise pour les paramete electro quelqu un a t il deja rencontre ce bleme vais je me faire crucifier par le cout de la manip?

Tu as essayé la manip suivante ?

1/Reprogrammer télécommande

IMPORTANT: Before entering programming mode, have in possession all of the remotes you
will be useing on the vehicle. Once you program the remote. all previous remotes that were
programmed will be erased from memory. The other remotes will not be functional until you
program the them again.

1. Remove the key from the ignition.

2. Remove the "BCM PRGRM" fuse from the fuse panel. Use the legend on the fuse panel to
properly locate the "BCM PRGRM" fuse. Fuse panel is accessed by opening the front
passenger door.

3. Close all of the doors.

4. Close the liftgate.

5. Insert the key into the ignition, and turn to the ACC position.

6. Turn the key to OFF and then back to ACC within 1 second.

7. Open and close any vehicle door. A chime will be heard when the system enters into
programming mode.

8. Press and hold the remote LOCK and UNLOCK buttons simultaneously for 14 seconds.
IMPORTANT: After 7 seconds, a chime may be heard confirming successful
synchronization. It is necessary to wait approximately 14 seconds for a second chime
that will confirm successful programming.

9. Repeat step 8 now for each additional remotes to be programmed including any existing

10. Remove key from ignition.

11. Install the "BCM PRGRM" fuse back into the fuse panel and test remote(s).

2/Reprogrammer les clés :

These programming procedures are only good for USA built vehicles.

The first digit of your 17 digit VIN number must start with the number 1 or 4.
If your VIN number starts with a 2 or 3 or a letter these procedures WILL NOT WORK.

Can I program a new key myself if I have no working keys?

Yes, once you have had the new key cut by a Locksmith
or other qualified persons use the following instructions.

Click here to find an Automotive Locksmith in your area.

1. Insert a new cut key in ignition and turn key to the ON position for
10 minutes and 30 seconds.

2. Within 45 seconds turn the key to OFF and then back to the ON position for
10 minutes and 30 seconds.

3. Within 45 seconds turn the key to OFF and then back to the ON position for
10 minutes and 30 seconds.

4. Turn key OFF then back ON. The key is now programmed.
Start vehicle to test key.


Can I program a duplicate key for this vehicle?

Yes, once you have had the new key cut by a Locksmith
or other qualified persons use the following instructions.

Click here to find an Automotive Locksmith in your area.

1. Insert an existing programmed working key into the ignition cylinder.

2. Turn ignition to the ON position for 5 seconds, then back to OFF position.

3. Remove the existing key and within 5 seconds insert new key and turn
it to the ON positiion for 5 seconds.

4. Turn key OFF then back to ON. The key is now programmed.
Start vehicle to test key.
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forumeur niveau 3
forumeur niveau 3

Nombre de messages : 205
Age : 62
Localisation : yvelines
Véhicule (modèle cyl année) : chrysler voyager serie 4 bioethanol v6 3.3
Spécialisation auto : 2 mains gauche
Date d'inscription : 14/11/2008

valise pour chevy transport Empty
MessageSujet: Re: valise pour chevy transport   valise pour chevy transport EmptyVen 6 Mai - 18:51

Bonsoir je te remercie pour ces indics mais la batterie est completement vidée donc meme pas de contact ou de voyant allumé donc un copain va la ramener cette semaine avec un plateau du coup je recherche de la piece et la revue RTA pour nager un peu mieux @+
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valise pour chevy transport Empty
MessageSujet: Re: valise pour chevy transport   valise pour chevy transport Empty

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valise pour chevy transport
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