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 Decodeur VIN

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Decodeur VIN  Empty
MessageSujet: Decodeur VIN    Decodeur VIN  EmptySam 14 Aoû - 19:35
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Fait ses preuves

Nombre de messages : 69
Age : 48
Localisation : Cher, 18
Véhicule (modèle cyl année) : Chrysler Town & Country Limited, 3.6l, 2011
Spécialisation auto : Touriste
Date d'inscription : 05/09/2011

Decodeur VIN  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Decodeur VIN    Decodeur VIN  EmptySam 10 Sep - 1:55

Pour les S4 venant d'Autriche, le site donne la solution.

Ici une copie du principal:

1 Country of Origin
1 = Manufactured By DaimlerChrysler Corporation
2 = Manufactured By DaimlerChrysler Canada Inc.

2 Make
D = Dodge
C = Chrysler

3 Vehicle Type
4 = Multipurpose Pass. Vehicle Less Side Air Bags
8 = Multipurpose Pass. Vehicle With Side Air Bags

4 Gross Vehicle Weight Rating
G = 2268 - 2721 kg. (5001 - 6000 lbs.)

5 Car Line
1 = Chrysler Caravan - FWD
P = Chrysler, Town & Country - FWD
P = Dodge, Caravan/Grand Caravan - FWD
P = Dodge, Caravan C/V, Grand Caravan C/V - FWD
T = Chrysler, Town & Country - AWD
T = Dodge, Grand Caravan - AWD
J = Chrysler, Voyager/Grand Voyager - FWD
Y = Voyager/Grand Voyager - FWD Left Hand Drive
C = Voyager/Grand Voyager - AWD Left Hand Drive
H = Voyager/Grand Voyager - FWD Right Hand Drive
K = Voyager/Grand Voyager - AWD Left Hand Drive

6 Series
2 = Low Line
3 = Medium
4 = High Line
5 = Premium
6 = Sport
7 = Special

6 - Export Series
B = 4-Speed Automatic Transaxle
N = 5-Speed Manual Transaxle

7 Body Style
1 = Van - Caravan C/V
3 = Extended Van - Grand Caravan C/V
4 = Extended Wagon - Grand Caravan/Town & Country
5 = Wagon - Caravan, Voyager, Town & Country

7 - Export Body Style
1 = EURO Wagon - Long Wheelbase (RG - 53 - S Series)
2 = EURO Wagon - Short Wheelbase (RG - 52 - H Series)
3 = EURO Wagon - Short Wheelbase (RG - 52 - P Series)
4 = EURO Wagon - Long Wheelbase (RG - 53 - P Series)
5 = EURO Wagon - Long Wheelbase (RG - 53 - H Series)
6 = Commercial Van - Short Wheelbase (with- Sales Code -
CYX Less AS8)
7 = Commercial Van - Short Wheelbase (with Sales Code -
8 = Commercial Van-Long Wheelbase (H - Series with Sales
Code - CYX)
9 = Commercial Van - Long Wheelbase (P - Series with
Sales Code - CYX)

8 Engine
B = 2.4L I4 Cyl. 16-Valve Gasoline DOHC (MPI)
E = 3.3L V6 Cyl. OHV Flex Fuel
L = 3.8L V6 Cyl. Gasoline (SMPI)
R = 3.3L V6 Cyl. OHV Gasoline
5 = 2.8L I4 Cyl. Turbo Diesel
7 = 2.5L I4 Cyl. 16 Valve Turbo Diesel

9 Check Digit See explanation.

10 Model Year
5 = 2005

11 Assembly Plant
B = St. Louis Assembly South
R = Windsor Assembly
U = Eurostar Gesellschaftz Assembly

12 through 17 Sequence Number
A six digit number assigned by assembly plant.

The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) can be
viewed through the windshield at the upper left cor-
ner of the instrument panel, near the left windshield
pillar (Fig. 2). The VIN consists of 17 characters in a
combination of letters and numbers that provide spe-
cific information about the vehicle. Refer to VIN
Code Breakdown Chart for decoding information.
To protect the consumer from theft and possible
fraud the manufacturer is required to include a
Check Digit at the ninth position of the vehicle iden-
tification number. The check digit is used by the
manufacturer and government agencies to verify the
authenticity of the vehicle and official documenta-
tion. The formula to use the check digit is not
released to the general public.
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